Aitkin Youth Center

What's Happening?

Aitkin Minnesota has great kids! If only they had a Youth Center to go to after school a few days a week.
Well guess what?  It's happening! 

September 2024 we hope to kick off the first full academic year of the Aitkin Youth Center!  We welcome kids from 6th to 12th grade. There is no cost to the families to attend. 

Adult &Teen Board of Directors

Adults think they know what's best for a Youth Center, but if the teens aren't involved - is it really theirs? That's why from the beginning we want the kids to make the Aitkin Youth Center what they want. This also gives the teens great experiences they will use for the rest of their life! 

If you are a teen and might be interested in joining the Aitkin Youth Center Teen Board, send us an email at  There is no commitment, so let's chat! 

Our Youth Director will get input from both boards of directors,
then fill the Calendar of Events with optional activities. 

Possible Events

Computer Games

Cooking Classes

Art Classes

Reading Spaces

Food is Always Included

Gym Space 

Card Games

Individual Projects

Outside Sports

Thursday and Friday afternoons, we are renting a large area within the  First Lutheran Church of Aitkin - just under 3/4 of a mile from the High School.  This is not a church event and there will be no religious activities.
The space is ideal with its huge kitchen, dining/cards area, a gym, a billiard table, and an open hang-out area.  Monday we plan to be at other locations within Aitkin.  
Our goal is to provide a safe, fun environment.

If you can volunteer, (yippee!) please send an email to 

If you can help with funding, please click the donate button below - we thank you!